hiyoh hiyoh... when i have the time n luxury to sleep, i dun feel like sleeping, n when i dun, i feel like sleeping... aiyah... sian lor.... jus feel like typing now...
gave tuition from 3 to 5 pm... thats what keeps my brain active nowadays... so seriously ah.. i think those guys in NS are realli right to say that their cognitive abilities degenerate drastically n mental inactivity... haha... but it seems like becoming more dull isn't the only side effect... after dinner with mok, pl, yuyi, chyork, royston, yx n shiwei, we went to k box where yuelin joined us... den as we tried to biao1 ge1.... disaster struck... haha.... nobody was in the condition to biao1 at all lor!!! we girls were ok... but the guys ah.....either sore throat or suddenly go off pitch... feels miserable lor.... when u lose ur voice!!! haha... of cos it didn't dampen our spirits la... but think it mus be the endless army songs they shout almost everyday in unison with other guys that has spoiled the guys' vocals... gosh..... the 3 hours of k box-ing, all of us didn't want to go home.... esp the guys... so we went to kopitiam to continue talking...mostly abt ns stuff... AGAIN... its amazing how they keep on going on and on... i wonder how the situation would be like if girls had to serve ns as well... woah..... can imagine how we'll be rambling on and on... haha...
anyway, tml, 19-02-06 would mark our squad's 31st monthivarsary since we passed out.
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